(Makes about 24)
750 ml plain flour (3 cups)
5 ml salt (1 tsp)
± 250 ml cold water (1 cup)
5 ml lemon juice (1 tsp)
Mince filling:
30 ml cooking oil (2 Tbsp)
500 g lean beef mince
2 onions, peeled and chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 green chilli, seeded and finely chopped
10 ml finely chopped coriander leaves (2 tsp)
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
10 ml strong curry powder (2 tsp)
3 ml garam masala (½ tsp)
1 ml ground turmeric
cooking oil for frying
Dough: Sift flour and salt
Add water and lemon juice and mix to a stiff dough.
Divide dough into 12 portions and roll each between hand palms.
Roll into 12 discs.
Place six discs on top of each other, brushing with oil on both sides and sprinkling a little flour on.
Leave bottom and top of discs ungreased.
Roll pile of discs into a large circle of about 30 cm.
Place dough on a greased baking tray and bake in preheated oven at 200 °C for 3 – 5 minutes to separate layers.
Trim edges.
Repeat with remaining dough.
Cut into strips of six centimetres wide x 20 cm long.
Separate layers carefully.
Fill on edge with filling and fold in triangle.
Moisten edge with water and fold to complete samoosas.
Filling: Heat oil in a heavy-based saucepan and brown mince.
Add onions and garlic and sauté until soft.
Add remaining ingredients and fry for about 2 minutes.
Set aside to cool.
Fill samoosas and chill in refrigerator for about 30 minutes before frying.
Fry in hot oil, turning until golden brown.
Drain on paper towel. – Online.