
Dressing ladies with large ‘boobs’

24 Oct, 2014 - 00:10 0 Views

The ManicaPost

HELLO there everyone, we are in the last part of the year and I must ask myself have I achieved everything I had planned to achieve this year – N0! In the meantime, I do what I enjoy doing – and that is answering all your questions. This week, I will answer several messages from ladies with big breasts saying they have a problem with dressing decently and youthfully.

Let me say, ladies, I totally understand this. I have not been blessed with an ample bosom myself, but I have dear friends who are what I would call buxom beauties and I must say shopping with them is not fun when it comes to the clothes department. Some of us see what we like, try it on and buy it – no fuss. These ladies start negotiating with their clothing from the minute they get into the changing room. It is like their breasts have a life of their own.

The have to be squeezed and shoved and pushed into place and finally when they are nicely in the place the outfit starts to misbehave by stretching out of proportion. Sorry ladies . . . and this is all before you see whether the outfit fits well on the bottom, which most times it does.

Most women with large boobs are considered the triangle shape body. You are an inverted triangle when you have broad shoulders, narrow hips and relatively slender limbs. Some inverted triangle body types have a straight waist and a flattish bottom, whereas others have a defined waist line and curvier bottom. Bust size can vary.

Remember though that in all my columns the advice I give is only a guideline and not a fact for everyone. So take what works for you and leave what doesn’t. These are only guidelines:

Most women go really? When I say to them the worst thing to do when you have big boobs is to wear a non-supportive bra. I know you think your boobs stand out too much already, but there is nothing more attractive than a firm looking pair on your chest. You draw more attention to a chest that has two sacks resting on a stomach for support – that’s like not right. Get a good supporting bra that holds them in place and has thicker straps for the back too.

Next is before you stress about sorting the top of your body out, get it right at the bottom. Most women make the mistake of trying to hide their breasts or cover them up, and so end up covering up the rest of your body. Fashion is based on two things at the same time – “emphasise one to hide the other”. You have to put emphasis on one part of your body to hide the other. If you try and hide everything you will end up looking like a “bag lady”, drab and boring looking, worse still you will end up looking older than your age. So figure out what works on your hips and legs, then make the necessary adjustments to the top.

I would say your best bet is to soften your shoulders. Wear soft and drapery fabrics. Make these your best friends for tops and dresses because they de-emphasise the shoulder line and skim over your frame.

Rigid or firm materials are not your friends unless they are tailored and have a bit of stretch. Tops with soft sleeves like raglans, dropped shoulder points and shoulder slits will also do the trick. Avoid shoulder details like epaulettes, shoulder pads, tight armholes and overly puffy sleeves as they create extra shoulder width. Bold horizontal lines have a widening effect so if you’re going to wear horizontal stripes, keep them subtle and monochromatic. For sleeveless dressing keep the shoulder strap wide rather than spaghetti style.

Wider straps effectively shorten the length of the shoulder. Keep the lapels on jackets and coats small or mid size and relatively refined as oversized collars and lapels tend to make shoulders look broader. You were made for soft collarless dressing! Go to town with this silhouette.
The following necklines are flop proof with a fuller bust and/or shorter neck: V-necks, scoop necks, open shirt collars and cowls. Rule of thumb is to keep the top relatively simple, smooth and low scooped. You can wear tops with ruffles, pleating and funky detailing, but you need to be careful with their placement.

Wrap tops and mock wraps are your friend because they create a V on the neckline and tailor the midriff.
Anastasia can be messaged or whatsapped on 0772 933 845.

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