The ManicaPost

Special messages to writing classes 2016

I hope that this article finds you well. I have been receiving an avalanche of emails and Whatsapp messages from students who are writing this year. I noticed a lot of pressure on many students. I just want to take this time to talk to you if you are writing, and even if you are writing next year. There is absolutely no need to fear. I have been speaking, and coaching people on success for years. I have seen ordinary people do extra ordinary things. I believe you can also do extra-ordinary things in your life.

No need to panic

There is no absolutely need to panic. This is just but one of the many examinations you having been writing, the only difference, being that this is a public examination where thousands of students in the country are also writing the same examination. Work on your attitude and register victory in your mind. Take advantage of the time that you have now to prepare, and ensure that you have ample time to look at your materials.

Remove pressure from yourself

Truth be told, your future is not necessarily in the examinations. There is still life after even if you fail the examinations. I am not saying you should take a casual approach and fail, but I am saying this so that you really do understand the fact that you do not need to put much pressure on you. I have written dozens of examinations, but I always remind myself that I do not need to put pressure on myself. The moment I removed pressure on myself, it was easier for me to concentrate. This secret has really helped me perform better in all my examinations.

You deserve time to rest

The tendency with many students is to read continuously. If you were serious about your studies, you at least know all that is to know about the particular subjects. Working continuously simply slows down the performance of your brain and by extension diminishes the quality of results that you get. Why not allow yourself breaks in between your study, take a walk, and get some fresh air, watch 30 minutes of your favourite show, treat yourself to a good cup of tea or coffee depending with your preferences.

I have written 12 books to date, but I am one very impatient person when I start a project. One of the things that I run away from is sitting down on a computer, and I am struggling to come up with something that makes sense for extended periods. The simplest thing that I do is to walk away from whatever I am trying to write, and give myself breathing space. This has really worked for me; it can work for you as well. At the height of my concentration I can do an article in 20 minutes or even less.

Some important tips

Some of the following tips can help you before and during the examination time;

Have your statement of entry, and any required identity documents close by so that you will not have to search it every morning.

Be punctual. Arrive early at the examination centre so that you get time to settle down and relax.

Ensure that you have the timetable and if it’s copied, ensure that you have the correct times and dates for the examinations. Some people have actually missed examinations.

Sleep early so that you wake up energetic.

Set an alarm if you struggle to wake in the morning on time so that you will not be late.

Carry a functional clock to the examination room in case you are not provided with one. You need to manage your time well.

Ensure that you work on your diet and visit the bathroom before the examination so that you avoid visits to the toilets during the paper. Several people have spent the majority of time in the toilet during an examination.

Always carry a spare pen that you have tested to the examination room. It is not surprising that a pen can behave funny when you are in the examination room.

Wear comfortable shoes, so that you can have better and improved blood circulation.

Do not overdress for the exam; the temperatures are on the high side, so it will be an act of bravery to wear a jersey. Be comfortable in whatever you will be wearing.

Switch off your cell phone if you have one or better off, leave it at home or dormitory if it is safe to do so. The last thing you want is some disturbing message popping in your phone seconds before the examination. Your concentration levels diminish.

Keys to academic excellence

I have written a book called, “Keys to academic excellence”. I encourage you to read it if you have it in your library. I have shared in detail the secrets that have made people successful in life and also academically.

I will terminate this article by giving you 7 keys that must guide you in your studies and life in general. Successful people in life know and live by the following principles; DESIRE, DECISION, DRIVE, DIRECTION, DEDICATION, DETERMINATION, DISCIPLINE. I will expand on them in the next article. Do not miss the next edition of the Manica Post.

All the best in your examinations!!

Join me on Star FM every first Wednesday of the month (09:30am-10:00am) for some moments of inspiration on the Breeze with Tariro and Iyati.


Arthur Marara is an Attorney, Author and Speaker. He is also the author of Keys to Academic Excellence, Personal Development Toolkit, Keys to Financial Freedom, The Power Within, and Keys to Effective Time Management. Send your feedback to  or Like his page on Facebook, or Whatsapp: +263 772 467 255.