The ManicaPost

MDC should abandon its ‘jecha’ politics

Mr Chamisa

Chenai Mutasa Post Correspondent
SINCE its genesis the opposition MDC has been pursuing the “earth scorched policy” to attain power.

Wikipedia defines this as “a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy when retreating from a position”.

The MDC leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa coined a local lingo phrase “kudira jecha musadza” to simply mean their malevolent actions of sabotaging Government’s efforts to move the country forward.

The “kudira jecha musadza” strategy is meant to derail any economic transformation strategy put in place by the Zanu-PF Government regardless of how practical it is.

That in itself is the incarnation of evil, selfishness, heartlessness and inhumane of a party that purports to have people’s interests at heart.

It doesn’t need a rocket scientist to determine that the general populace is labouring under the sanctions drafted by the MDC for the approval of their western paymasters.

It’s not surprising though that Chamisa has chosen this path following the death of Dr Morgan Tsvangirai.

The party has always wished the country ill, so as to make the populace turn on its government as a result of hardships.

Who can forget in 2002 when the late Dr Tsvangirai called for South Africa to cut fuel and electricity to Zimbabwe?

“We are aware that smart sanctions, if they are immediately implemented will have the personal effect on the leadership of Zanu-PF

“And South Africa should say, ‘OK, under those circumstances we are going to cut fuel, we are going to cut transport links,” said Dr Tsvangirai then.

Apparently MDC is bereft of new strategies hence the continued use of this old tactic which has proved ineffectual for more than twenty years.

When Adv Chamisa took the rein of the embattled MDC party, he should have sat down and do a SWOT analysis of the preferred “jecha” narrative to determine why this has failed since the party formation.

Then, he should have realised the need to change tactic given the failure of the heinous plan to bring about change through the suffering of the ordinary Zimbabweans. It simply does not work in Zimbabwe, though it might have worked in other countries.

We understand that MDC’s “kudira jecha musadza” strategy was imposed on them by their paymasters. Who can forget the infamous statement by Chester Crocker to the US Senate:

“To separate the Zimbabwean people from Zanu-PF, we are going to have to make their economy scream, and I hope you, Senators, have the stomach for what you have to do.”

The westerners do not care about the ordinary citizens’ welfare, all they want are our resources when their puppets are in power. But the MDC should sit down and introspect if this is still going to be their preferred strategy given its failure to bring their purported “change” despite bringing untold suffering to the general populace.

There is a video circulating on Whatsapp where MDC-T spokesperson Khaliphani Phugeni was interviewed on Gambakwe media explaining that because of jecha, Government has no money to pay doctors, patients are dying in hospitals and there are no drugs in hospitals. Phugeni explains that since Adv Chamisa put this thing (kudira jecha musadza) it has made life so unbearable for the general populace and how he boasts that he will remove jecha when he gets an audience with President Mnangagwa.

The MDC has been sabotaging Governments efforts of rebuilding the economy. Its foolhardy that they are doing whatever they are doing forgetting that it’s these same people they want their votes from, talk of footing oneself in the foot.

Zanu PF’s motto is people first and servant leadership. This is obviously something the MDC does not recognise or care about in pursuit of their earth scorched policy.

In Shona there is an idiom which says “natsa kwaunobva kwaunoenda usiku,” which means make right where you are coming from because where you are going is dark. If only the MDC could learn a thing or two from this idiom. The party needs to self-introspect and do right by the people of Zimbabwe, whom they are punishing by their evil politics.

Adv Chamisa recently told his supporters in Mutare that he had visited many western countries advising them to tighten screws on the sitting Zanu PF Government.

If there is evil in this world, MDC takes the cake. What the MDC leadership and members fail to realise is that the sanctions their leaders are calling for know no supporters.

The MDC leadership should rather stop being power hungry and join hands with Government in coming up with solutions to the challenges facing the country and ensure the nation moves forward.

Adv Chamisa is proving to be very selfish and this is in conflict with his other profession of being a Pastor. Selfishness, individualism and egoism portrayed by Adv Chamisa shows that he has no interests of the electorate at heart.

Instead, Adv Chamisa is hell bent on causing political turmoil, anarchy and uprisings against Government, only to please the West while at the same time fattening his pockets.

The Second Republic has created enough democratic space for progressive opposition politics which if the MDC embraces will go a long way in building a developmental state that looks out for the interests of its people.

Politics of destruction have never worked anywhere and the MDC should seriously think about the saying that says “it’s easier to destroy than to build”.

Shame on such depraved leadership!