The ManicaPost

A risk worth taking

Evangelist Peter Madondo
THE most successful people in the world today are undoubtedly great risk takers. Risk is defined as the likelihood of a negative outcome. It is because of the pronounced negativity in a scenario that many fear to take a risk.

The book of 2 kings 7:3 reads: “And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?  If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die.”

Aforementioned is an outstanding incident of huge risk takers. The four lepers according to the laws of the Israelites were outcasts, staying outside the city. This would qualify to what we call quarantine in the modern world. Various philosophies were attached to one’s affliction by leprosy from infidelity, iniquity and anything unacceptable. Whichever their reasons the quartet was wallowing in poverty and hunger.

The Syrian army had employed an intelligent tactic on the Israelites by cutting off supplies of basic requirements such that the situation degenerated to a dog eat dog situation. Humans resorted to feeding on animal waste and in other circumstances feasting on their babies.

If hunger had become so pronounced to those who were still in a normal set up, what could be said of the out casted lepers who depended on the generosity of passer-by and friends. Life had deteriorated to unprecedented level and all that was left was for the four lepers to take a huge risk. They knew that going into the camp of their brothers, the Israelites was as good as dying for there was virtually nothing to feed on.

The men agreed to go into the opposition’s camp. Yes, death was imminent, but the ultimate result to the lepers was the same. The Israeli army had failed to craft a way to save its perishing people and trying to find hope in a hopeless people was not an idea. The only hope was to take the risk and dine with the enemy. This was an initiative even the captains of the army had failed to take. It only needed a little courage of taking the enemy head-on.

As the lepers moved towards the enemy lines with great courage, God did the unthinkable, frail as they were, God made a sound that the Syrians thought a huge army had put them under siege. Upon reaching the enemy city, the lepers were perplexed to see the city deserted and all their desired needs awash without any deterrent.

Many today have failed to achieve their goals because they fear taking a risk. There is no success without risk, neither is there victory disassociated from risk. Christians should be risk takers. God wait for us to take the initiative and he takes care of the rest.

The lepers’ duty was simply to walk towards the Syrian cities and the rest was for God to do, remember He says: “the battle is mine”. If we remain glued without the courage to take risks everything remains stationery.

Remember, uncountable days had passed with the Israeli army failing to take up the Goliath challenge.

It was only David the risk taker who took up the challenge and the rest was for God to mastermind. (1 Samuel 17).

God is always with His children. It is only unfortunate that we lack the courage to take the first step and get on to the task risky as it may appear. It was because of risky taking that David was propelled to kingship.

There are instances in life that we fear to take some challenges haunting our lives because all we see are the lethal and devastating negative effects. God will only be God if He proves His supremacy over some seemingly invincible foes in our lives. It needs great risk takers to register great victory stories.

Let us be a unique and daring generation driven by what we can safely term stubborn faith, faith that pushes us to do the unthinkable and taking immense risks in our lives.

Phillipias 4:13 reads: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” This is the spirit that should prevail in believers regardless of how risky the situation may be.

Let us walk the talk if ever we want to see the hand of God in our lives. As long as we stay in our comfort zones, God finds no reason in manifesting His powers within us. The risky the endeavour, the closer God gets to us.

Remember those who trust in the Lord will always renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31). While the world might view some of Christian practices as risky, we regard it as a leap of faith. I challenge every Christian to learn to take risks in giving, learn to take risks in sacrificing for God. Remember the riskier the fruitier.

Some risks are simply worthy taking