The ManicaPost

Wife imposes bedroom sanctions on hubby

Anesu Kurebwaseka Post Reporter
A MUTARE woman demands that her husband use protection every time they want to be intimate.

This emerged during Unity Mapuzva’s application for a protection order against her husband, Malvin Nhongo, whom he accused of assaulting and harassing her after demanding that he uses protection whenever they want to be intimate.

Mapuzva further told the court that Malvin was also in the habit of selling their house property without her permission since everything belonged to her. She further told the court that she nearly died after he strangled her after she had refused to be intimate with him without a condom.

“My children are witnesses to these constant assaults, Your Worship. I have spent all the money I had trying to get medication after he choked and beat me up,” claimed Mapuzva. However, Malvin denied the claims and further said it was strange that Maouzva was demanding that he used protection when they were husband and wife.

“I oppose the granting of the protection order she should produce proof that I assaulted or strangled her. I never sold any property because I know that it belongs to her.

“As for using protecting, I am confused because I do not see any reason for that. We are husband and wife. We have been married for a long time, so why should I start using protection now. I have asked her for an explanation for a million times with no satisfactory response,” Malvin explained.

Miss Kuture said issues of domestic violence were of serious concern. She said Mapuzva had the right to stop anyone to sleep with her without a condom. She adjourned the matter to December 8 to allow Mapuzva to bring her children as witnesses.