The ManicaPost

Where have suits disappeared to?

Ann Ruthenburg Beauty & Fashion
HELLO there folks, I hope you are good this week. I also hope you had an opportunity to go to our Manicaland Agricultural Show. Sometimes it is good to get out of your comfort zone to see what other people are achieving in the city. This may give you hope for your own story.

This week, I am looking at a clothing ensemble that seems to be slowly dying in this millennium — suits. I come from a generation that put major importance on dressing decently, appropriately and in order. With suits, as with so much of life for the modern man, the world was once a simpler place.

Any office work was associated with a suit. There wasn’t really a choice. Grey, navy, blue or brown colours, dressing up for work or an event was not an option, it was necessary. Women wore tops/blouses and stockings with their knee length skirts. Men wore suits or similar. When I look around I am appalled at the type of dressing I see when I attend meetings or visit different com panies.

But all is not lost in the city of Mutare. There are still some gentlemen out there who have a respect for themselves, their positions and their image. In this city, we have come up with designs that defy generational norms or age. Our suits are for all shapes, sizes and age groups. Take a look at these local designs.

Let me say this. There is nothing wrong with over-dressing when you are on work experience because you can always correct it on day two if your job requires more casual attire. If you are the sort of guy who really loves to dress-up for your sake, well done and go for it, no one can fault you on that.

Ann Ruthenburg 0772933845 (K and K Hair and Beauty Salon (Meikles Department Store)