The ManicaPost

She doesn’t care about me!

Dear Tete Barbara
My wife is a good woman and mother to our two daughters but I think she doesn’t love me anymore. She is hard working, respectful and financially responsible but still my heart tells me she just tolerates me. Tete she is boring and just too serious about everything.

My wife spends most of her time doing things with or for others rather than being my lover. I feel like I have a very loyal office manager but a very ineffective wife. Help me, as a church elder divorce is not an option for me.

Tete Barbara Responds
It seems you are feeling a little left out of and lonely. Communication is a really important part of every relationship In order for it to run smoothly. You should know that for all things to move properly you need a bit of lubrication.

Are you doing your part in the relationship? You have to learn to speak to your wife about your concerns. Who or what are you holding on to that is blocking your view of a beautiful thing that is right in front of you waiting to just be embedded into your life? Remember beauty is in the heart and as you have described her, she sounds nothing short of beautiful. It is not a sign of weakness to feel jealous or unwanted.

Initiate for more time together by taking her away from the workload to a resort even just for one night. Remind her that you too need some TLC and so does she. You will probably be surprised that she has also been dying to get away with you. Be the man and lead her to where you want her to go, show her your heart and she will pamper it.
Let love grow.