The ManicaPost

Quick herbal guide

Herbal Space Miriam Kwari
Hello Friends. Welcome, yet again to herbal space where we are giving each other a Quick herbal concoctions Guide . I hope you find this interesting and helpful.

Blood Pressure


Take three to four finger shaped leaves of the plant and crush. Add water, about 200ml and add some fresh lemon juice if you have time. Drink once in the morning and once at night for high blood pressure. During the night one can use the juice to dilute graviola juice.  A cup of hibiscus tea during the day is not a bad idea. Some people also enjoy the pink flower of periwinkle as tea during mid-morning breaks and the flavour their tea with lemon and honey. This is also quite commendable. However, do not forget to take your medicines and tablets from your doc. A space of two hours at most between the teas and you conventional medicines is advisable.


Prickly pear

Take the prickly pear leaf and scoop out the inside jelly like substance. It is tasteless, green and slippery. Crush that pulp and then add 2 litres cold water and also squeeze in some lemon. Put in a 2 litre container and refrigerate, drinking a full glass (200) of the juice once in the morning.

One is also hitting two birds with one stone when they use the same juice, (150ml) to dilute the50ml of graviola they take at night. In addition, a cup of periwinkle flowers teas, say one or two during the day would be an added advantage. Remember to space the herbal time from the medicines time and do not forget to take your meds, or you will be in trouble with your doctor.

The extracted juice of cucumbers reduces blood sugar taken mornings and evenings.

Periwinkle flower tea

3-4 flowers of the periwinkle plant to be used for making a cup of tea, three days of the week only. Flavour your periwinkle flower tea with lemon and honey if available.


  1. Brew yourself some moringa tea everyday and flavour with some lemon and honey, you could possibly buy the moringa leaf tea bags from your local supermarket or you could use the fresh leaves from your tree.
  2. Cook moringa leaves in your veggies every day. A handful of such green juicy leaves are a perfect addition to your veggie recipe that can be enjoyed by all members of the family, without causing any harm. The veggies will not taste or look any different, but they will carry all the healing nutrients that our bodies need and moreso for our arthritis patients. Serve your veggies as you normally do.
  3. The bark of moringa, dried and ground is an amazing herb for tea, during midmorning or afternoon breaks. Add lemon and honey if available.
  4. Add moringa leaf juice (150ml) to 50ml graviola juice at night.

The seeds of the moringa can also be crushed and added to olive oil, or coconut oil and the used for rubbing painful and swollen joints.

Remember that all herbal teas work effectively as complementary teas.


Take 3 tablespoons of flax seed in each meal to make digestion normal. Figs and prunes can be soaked in cold water overnight, slightly warmed and drunk before breakfast. (Prunes are dried plums). You can replace prunes with dried and powered corn silk, which is a laxative.

Bad breath

The following teas are recommended during the day after taking graviola at night;

Use a pinch as measurement.

Fennel tea

Dill seed tea

Sage tea

Wormwood tea (to be used sparingly)

Eucalyptus tea

Mint tea

Spearmint tea

Peppermint tea

Rosemary tea

Thyme tea


We are advised to use teas that are meant for hormonal balancing in women. There are a number of them, but of interest now are two.

They include periwinkle and yarrow. Take periwinkle flowers as tea, by crushing 4-5 leaves of the plant and then pouring hot over them the spell is strong and so is the bitter taste. However, do it only for three days of the week. Flavour this tea with lemon and honey.

Get some yarrow leaves. Some people may prefer during some tea made from this too, and that not a big deal. I would recommend using yarrow as a sitz bath twice a week.

Women with fibroids should use these teas during the day, with lemon and honey to taste. It is important to also take graviola juice once daily at night, use of periwinkle water to dilute the graviola for juice is commendable, at the ratio of 1 graviola : 3 periwinkle juice or 1 graviola: 3 veggie juice. Remember to get screening done by your doctor.


Geranium tea or yarrow tea

Crush either the geranium or the yarrow leaves and not both of them at the same time. Pour hot water over them.  Use lemon and honey to taste if available. Take tea 3 to 4 days of the week.

Remember to take your graviola at night and dilute with veggie water of your choice.

Period pain

You can use munzambara root as tea as well as geranium tea when the period starts. For excessive flows 1 cup of yarrow tea or balm mint tea or sage tea should be taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.

Make amaranth seed tea if you can.

The above mentioned leaves help stop period pain and to regulate your hormones.

Remember to take some graviola for a thorough body cleanse at night as instructed.

Heavy periods

Squeeze juice from at least 8 lemons on the first day and drink in the morning. Next day do it with 9 lemons and continue adding on till the period stops. Remember your graviola diluted witht veggie water on daily basis.

Missed period

Use yarrow for a sitz bath.

Also drink yarrow tea flavoured with lemon and honey 3 days of the week only for midmorning break tea.

Graviola is a special friendly drink at night diluted with veggie water.

Cervical cancers

Continue with all your hospital procedures and follow your doctor’s advice to the very last dot. In addition to that use periwinkle tea once daily flavoured with lemon and honey. Use 3 to 4 leaves for making the tea. Use the same for breast cancers. Even use the same periwinkle leaf tea for washing and cleaning of cancer and diabetic wounds. There are big chances the wounds respond and they heal faster if care is taken on application.


Many women suffer from recurrent miscarriages. These women should drink yarrow and Lady’s Mantle tea, 2 to 3 cups daily to cleanse and balance hormones as well as to strengthen the womb.

Multiple Sclerosis

Freshly picked herbs have to be used for this disease. Graviola is sipped at night. During the day one has to have Lady’s Mantle tea combined with Sage. Lady’s Mantle tea is combined with drops of Wood Sorrel (Donkey Weed/Musauti) juice. Also use St. John’s Wort oil to rub on the spine, joints and hips.

Night sweats

Sage tea has is taken every morning 30 minutes before breakfast. Graviola is a needed addition at night.

Prolapse of the Uterus

Four cups of Lady’s Mantle tea to be sipped throughout the day. Three yarrow sitz baths to be taken per week after steeping the leaves in cold water over night. One graviola drink is to be taken at night every day.

Always remember to enjoy graviola very night.

The writer, Miriam Kwari is a Herbalist from Mutare and can be contacted on +263773378571 or 12 Herbert Chitepo Street, Oasis Building, Mutare