The ManicaPost

Punish cholera fund extortionists

Let us just be morally upright as a people. Surely, how does one feel when they take advantage of dying people to make super profits?

The behaviour is deplorable and those seeking to profiteer must certainly be exposed and shamed. We have lost key values as a people and President I voted for, Cde Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, must take a stern position.

I appeal to the President to act on some of these seemingly small things. Officials should respect people’s lives, not to take advantage of funds meant to save lives.

Mr Strive Masiyiwa did a great job by donating money to help fight the cholera outbreak but some greedy officials want to take advantage of that so that they make a profit at the expense of cholera victims.

All the people behind this scam should pay the price for what they did. Zimbabweans should not condone such behaviour.

Progressive Zimbabwean