The ManicaPost

Promiscuous daughters causing havoc

Barbara Vhengedza From My Heart
From My Heart is a platform created for you to share your issues and get practical assistance. Together we can create brighter lives and happier people, transforming mindsets one day at a time. Send your heart to heart message to Tete Barbara and read her responses.

Pregnant by three men

Dear Tete

My situation is so complicated that I cannot really tell it all. The short of it is that hat I am pregnant and not sure who the father of my unborn baby is? I am not a promiscuous girl, but I made a mistake. I had unprotected relations with two men on the same night and another one two days later. One of these three guys is responsible for the pregnancy. I need to pick one guy, but I cannot decide who to pin down. Please help me.

Tete Responds:

I am not quite sure what the definition of promiscuity is, but this certainly is a mistake that has been defined. You need to come clean about your situation. You need to tell all the men involved so that you can then map a way forward. You somehow want to pin your pregnancy on just anyone, but you should be aware of the downsides. In future practice a bit of caution in your dealings in all situations so as to avoid complex situations like this one. Your partner may not trust you after the truth is exposed, so my core advice is that you personally let the cat out of the bag.

Stand Up!

I need a husband

Dear Tete

I am looking for a husband, but I am not certain what qualities to look for in a man. Please help me.

Tete Responds:

What do you like and what do you think is important in life? You have got to be honest and practical in your expectations from a lifetime partner. Love is about compromise, tolerance and patience. Do not make the mistake of letting your friends and family define what a husband should be. He will be yours and yours alone, so if you go the community husband way, you will discover he will not make you happy. Your heart will let you know when he is the one combined with your desires and dreams you will know.

Believe Me!

Promiscuous daughters causing havoc

Dear Tete

I have two daughters who are driving me insane. My girls are just wild and I cannot control them anymore. I feel embarrassed about their behaviour in the neighbourhood. They date married men and cause havoc. I feel that I should evict them from my home so that I have peace. My husband puts the blame on me, accusing me of being lenient with them. I tried my best, but now I am tired.

Tete Responds:

Children can be a blessing and sometimes a test, but never a curse. Your children are individuals who can choose to either live by your rules or run from them. When you have done your best sometimes you need to release a fresh method called tough love. Asking them to leave may seem mean, but it may be the ultimate solution. Your husband should not blame you at all, has he not been a part of their lives? If he was never there, then that could be a contributing factor. Did he exercise his role as a father? Do not blame each other, rather help each other to help your girls.

Good Luck!

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