Tendai Gukutikwa
Post Reporter
MINISTER of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Advocate Misheck Mugadza, has emphasised to local authorities the importance of completing existing projects before embarking on new ones during the implementation of devolution funds initiatives.
He made this call during an interactive meeting with Mutare Rural District Council officials last Friday.
Minister Mugadza stressed that it is crucial to finish incomplete projects first before venturing into new ones after receiving devolution funds from Government.
He said the approach will ensure that resources are utilised efficiently and effectively, leading to tangible results and improved service delivery to communities.
“By prioritising the completion of ongoing projects, councils can avoid duplication of efforts, reduce waste, and make the most of the devolution funds. By focusing on completing existing projects, you can demonstrate your commitment to delivering results and making a positive impact in communities,” he said.
Minister Mugadza applauded Mutare RDC for following suite and finishing off old projects first before embarking on new ones.
He said projects being implemented by the council, which include, but are not limited to the construction of classroom blocks at different schools, health centres, market shelters and procurement of service delivery equipment, aide in the attainment of Vision 2030.
“The coming in of the Second Republic has brought with it various gains that are evidenced by the projects that are being successfully implemented by Mutare RDC. The district, like other districts has benefited immensely from devolution funding that led to the implementation of these various developmental projects,” he said.
Minister Mugadza said the devolution agenda is primarily meant to stimulate and promote robust sustainable growth for the achievement of the upper middle income society status by 2030.
“President Mnangagwa is always on record stating that a country is built by its people. This mantra which has now become a philosophy should be the basis of all our developmental efforts across all sectors, and I am very happy that this is what is currently happening in Mutare Rural District. You have made it your mandate to develop your district and as such, you should remain focused as you execute your duties,” he said.
Minister Mugadza also urged local authorities to be inclusive during their projects implementation process and include the local community and traditional leaders.
“Members of Parliament, the ruling ZANU PF party, local community and traditional leaders must always be consulted during projects identification. Broadening consultation processes will certainly fulfil President Mnangagwa’s mantra of leaving no one and no place behind in the developmental agenda. Furthermore, stakeholders must be updated periodically during the implementation phase, taking monitoring and supervision of the projects implementation as a critical area of preference,” he said.
Mutare RDC’s chief executive officer, Mr Shepherd Chinaka said his council is doing its best to provide improved service delivery and implement development projects guided by President Mnangagwa’s mantra of leaving no one and no place behind with the aim of attaining Vision 2030.
“We are moving with the thrust of promoting inclusive and balanced socio-economic development in the district because we know that the good use of devolution funds will promote balanced socio-economic development across the district, province and country at large,” he said.
Mr Chinaka said to date, Mutare RDC has received a total of ZWL$132 million from Government since 2019.
The council’s engineer, Engineer Drought Musungo said devolution funds assisted Mutare RDC to fulfil its obligation of ensuring improved access to social amenities through developing key infrastructure such as clinics, classroom blocks and roads among others.
“We channelled funds for the formation and tarring of roads at Marange Rural Service Centre at a cost of ZWL$2 million in 2019. We also acquired a CAT motorised grader in 2021 and a 15-tonne tipper truck, two tractor-drawn water bowsers and two tractors, two trailers, tractor loader backhoe and a Nissan NP300 which we are using to monitor the projects.
“We also constructed classroom blocks at Mavisa, Hamamawoko, Mazonwe, Mhangaurwe and Chigonda primary schools,” he said.
Engineer Musungo said the council also channelled some of the funds to the healthcare system where it constructed Madanga Clinic in Ward 22.
“We have various completed devolution projects in Mutare Rural, and we are grateful to Government for the disbursements of the funds. One of our core mandates as a local authority which is also in line with Government’s Vision 2030 of an upper middle class economy is the provision of adequate health services. With the devolution funds and among other successful projects, Mutare RDC is striving to provide suitable access to health services to every inhabitant of the district,” he said.