NEW: Registrar up for theft

03 Sep, 2024 - 16:09 0 Views
NEW: Registrar up for theft The poacher was intercepted by the police while transporting the poached kudus from a farm in Odzi to Rusape


 Ray Bande
Senior Reporter


THE Chipinge Civil Registry Office registrar, Austin Dube, was arraigned before Chipinge Magistrates’ Court yesterday, facing theft charges emanating from missing registry revenue collection fees.


The 61-year-old Dube appeared before Mr Nixon Mungoti, facing theft of trust property charges as defined in Section 113 (2)(d) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23.


He was remanded out of custody to Monday on US$500 bail.


Prosecuting, Mr Thulani Zondwayo said Dube was given cash from registry revenue collection fees amounting to US$6 793, with a deposit slip for the purpose of banking the money at FBC Bank, Mutare last Wednesday.


He received the money from the accountant, Ms Sally Muzhanje.


Mr Zondwayo said Dube left the office, and further tasked the accountant to visit Chibuwe and Checheche sub-offices and collect all revenues at hand.


The accountant proceeded to Chibuwe and Chisumbanje sub-offices and collected a total of US$2 586.


The court also heard that on Saturday, Dube went to the accountant’s office carrying a black plastic bag.


He instructed the accountant to open and count the cash which was inside, and it amounted to US$3 523.


The figure was contrary to the actual figure of US$6 793 he was given to bank last Wednesday.


Dube allegedly instructed Ms Muzhanje to re-write another deposit slip bearing the initial US$6 793, and the US$2 586 which she had collected from sub- offices.


This did not go down well with the accountant who advised the Provincial Registrar.


A report was made to the police leading to Dube’s arrest.


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