The ManicaPost

Men of God by day, sexual perverts by night

Towntalk with Blabbermouth

YOURS Truly will remain relentless in the drive to preserve the little that remains of our moral fabric and this explains the feeling of resentment that gets the better of Blabber each time issues relating to infidelity involving ‘men of God’ are mentioned.

Only last week, it was about this shameless female trainee pastor with this other church known for baptising in unity who is head over heels in love with a married bed hopper employed by this other well known funeral parlour.

This week it is about a prophet and a church elder.

The prophet

There is a wayward prophet residing in that popular suburb whose name has water connotations who is spreading the deadly virus in the city at a Concorde speed.

A few notes will help you Gentle Reader to realise this malevolent chap I am blabbering about.

The ‘man of God’, who drives around a white Pajero with silver tint, is dark in complexion while slim. He runs his congregation near that part of the same suburb he resides where the terrain depresses. The most saddening thing about this moron is that he is a wolf in sheep skin as he seduces married women who approach him for counselling.

As Blabber pens this piece, there is a pregnant married woman who is also dating this sexual pervert.

The story of his sexual immorality does not end there. He is going between the sheets with this other city sewing expert but unbeknown to the sewing expert and her siblings, all her sisters are also enjoying quality time with this pseudo man of God on different occasions. God forbid!

The Church elder

Gentle Reader there is church elder in this other denomination known for remaining focusing forward in their faith based religion. The elder is responsible for counselling people in the church, but alas he is leading the Lord’s sheep to the forest. After all, his name has forest connotations to it when loosely translated.

Word reaching Yours Truly is that this church elder is bedding the wife of a pastor from a different church. Blabber is at pains to fathom the infidelity of the pastor’s wife given that the couple wedded only last year and their pictures were made public in this publication.

Such are the depths of moral decadence that have crept so deeply into our community.

Blabber has it on good authority that the charming church elder is also having quality time with the wife of a well known fellow church elder, albeit from different denominations.

The poor church elder being cheated belongs to that apostolic church whose mission has nothing to do with anything, but faith, while the cheating wife is employed by this other parastatal that has interests in road repairs or maintenance. Thus when some sing pamamonya ipapo, Blabber chants pavatsvene ipapo!