Keep fit during festive season

13 Dec, 2024 - 00:12 0 Views
Keep fit during festive season A healthful lifestyle provides the means to lead a full life with meaning and purpose

DECEMBER is the month when many of us notice that our routine starts to fall off the rails! The days are shorter and we often feel sluggish. The social calendar starts to fill up and many of us feel the pressure mounting as we manage the expectations of the holiday season. All of this makes things harder for so many parents to make time for their workouts, but this year we encourage you to do December different!

Consistent exercise during the holidays helps to:

Keep your energy up! December can be A LOT! We know. Between the social parties, school plays/concerts, family and friend visits and work socials most of us need a nap mid-month, but hear me out! Keeping up with some of your regular fitness routines will actually give you the energy boost you need to make it through all of the activities scheduled this month!

Sleep more deeply.

Staying physically active tires our bodies in a different way! There is the mental exhaustion many of us experience during the holidays, but this type of fatigue does not often lead to good sleep. Just 30 minutes of movement can help you sleep more deeply! Keep it up during December to enjoy a more beautiful slumber.

Sweat off the stress.

Families have a lot of balls in the air and perhaps a lot of the tasks during the holiday season default to YOU.
Exercise boosts your endorphins (aka those happy hormones) and reduces your stress hormones (cortisol). The reduction in cortisol also helps you sleep better (see tip #3).

Carve out some time for you.

Learning to prioritise yourself, especially during busy seasons, is super important! Adding your workouts to your family’s calendar keeps you at the top of your own wish list and reminds everyone that you are important too!

Maintain your routine.

Consistency is key… all year round! We all feel better when we know what to expect and when. Routines and predictability reduce stress and anxiety levels. In fact, it is even more important to stick to your routine as much as possible during busier seasons. You work hard to maintain routines for your kiddos because you know it is important to their wellbeing. Do not be so quick to write yourself off!

Embrace exercise as a GIFT.

Look at all the amazing things you accomplish each day, day in and out. You are a wonder of physical strength. Moving your body is a gift of self-love when you do it for the right reasons.

The benefits of a rest week

Taking a workout break over Christmas is great for our mental and physical health.

Mentally, it allows us to recharge, refocus, and spend time with friends and family.

The collective relaxed attitude towards food, drink, and having a good time means many people use the week over Christmas to relax their exercise regime and relax.

Physically, taking some time off can help with injury prevention in the long term. It allows our muscles and joints to recover from potentially prolonged stress, which in turn reduces our risk of injuries and the amount of time we have to take off in the long run.

Recharge, relax, and refocus
Rest is not just about letting the body heal.

The Christmas break provides mental relief, lowering stress levels and promoting overall wellbeing as well as some mental rejuvenation. Continuous training can lead to mental fatigue and increased stress, making time off a great opportunity for some well-deserved mental relaxation.

Eat before going somewhere

It would be best if you ate something before heading out to visits, trips or family dinners. Having heavy foods and lots of alcohol can reap havoc on our waistlines. So, have a light, healthy snack before attending to help void the unhealthy picking. This way, you will no longer be tempted to eat a lot or overindulge yourself since you have already eaten. Have a small salad, raw vegetable plate, or fruit.

Do not skip meals

Do not skip meals, especially breakfast! Even though it can be tempting to skip certain meals, believing that it will make up for the treats you consumed the previous day, do not do it because it will only lead to ineffective results.

Move, move and keep on moving

Wherever you are this festive season —on holiday or at home — does not mean that you cannot keep exercising! Try running, walking, swimming or hire a bicycle to tour around or, better yet, pop into a local yoga or pilates studio.

Select the treats wisely

If you have been given lots of chocolates or treats lately, why not share them at work, or have guests over to offer a treat after a wine or meal. This way, calories are shared rather than you sitting and eating the entire stash by yourself. After all, sharing is calorie caring!

Drink with moderation

Try drinking low calorie or low carb drinks. It is best to regulate your drinking since alcohol, coke or other juices will only add more calories to those you have already eaten! Lower calorie options are to mix soda water and lemon or mix sparkling water and lime. Cool a bottle of red wine with some ice as a healthier option.

Laugh a lot while enjoying yourself

Laugh the days and nights away! Sound a bit weird? But did you know that by laughing 10 to 15 minutes a day, you can burn up to 40 calories? Where them jokes at?!

Be realistic and stick to a routine

Regardless of your now busier than usual schedule, try to stick to your regular eating and exercise routine as closely as possible.
But if you know it will be impossible to stick to your current exercise routine, sit down and set out more practical fitness objectives. It is okay to do less exercise over the festive season, and by setting yourself more realistic goals, you’ll be far more likely to stick to them.

Drink lots of water

Water can not only help quench your appetite, but it can also help flush out all of the nasty toxins from your body. By staying hydrated over the festive season, you will look and feel better, and you will be more likely to perform come exercise time, allowing you to burn more calories in the process.

End the year feeling great.

People are always waiting to begin things in the New Year, but we think it is far more effective and motivating to end the year on a high note! — Online

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