The ManicaPost

Ignoring me hasn’t stopped me from loving him

tete babra

Dear Tete Barbara
I am in love with a wealthy guy who is rich but after one month he changed and lost interest in me.

We have been dating for a year now and still he acts awkwardly towards me. He hardly responds to my text messages and when he does its just brief. I love him and I don’t know what to do. Help me.

Tete Barbara Responds
It would seem to me that you are failing to accept a reality you know deep inside your heart. I think you know that the relationship is barely alive and that your relationship is not level.

The fact that the man that you love cannot even respond to your messages probably means it is over girl!

I wonder when you last saw him? Perhaps, your ‘friend’ is not ready to tell you it’s over and is hoping that you will eventually smell the coffee and let go.

On the other hand maybe he is busy, so try your best to meet and talk. Before that, please, be sure that you are really in love with him and not missing his wealth.

Sometimes losing what seems to be a good catch can be frustrating but not all good catches are good for you. All that glitters is not gold.

If that is the case let go, move on and find real love that will reciprocate. You shouldn’t be in a position that is unresponsive and imbalanced.
Find True Love!