The ManicaPost

I think I contracted HIV

tete babra

Barbara Vhengedza From My Heart
FROM My Heart is a platform created for you to share your issues and get practical assistance. Together we can create brighter lives and happier people, transforming mindsets one day at a time. Send your heart to heart message to Tete Barbara and read her responses.

Dear Tete 

I have a boil on my private parts that keeps recurring. I cannot tell my parents because I have been misbehaving with girls. My worst fear is that I have a sexually transmitted disease. I was intimate with a girl who works at a brothel and soon afterwards the boils appeared. I am afraid that I may have contracted HIV. Help me!

Tete Responds: 

You need to get in touch with an organisation that deals with young people as soon as possible. Youth Alive and SAYWHAT are there to give you information about your sexual and reproductive health. Do not suffer in silence. Find help today and change your behaviour.