The ManicaPost

I eat flesh at the graves

tete babra

Barbara Vhengedza From My Heart
I am a woman aged 42 looking for assistance for my problem. For many years I have gone to spiritual people for deliverance but up to now no one has done it. Every time I am told you are free I pretend to be free, but I know that I am still going to the graves to eat flesh. I do not want to pass this trait to my children when I die. Please help me. My husband does not know. My family believes I am free but the truth is I still curse and kill.

Tete Responds

Tell your family the truth so that they know what they are dealing with. When you realise that you are not delivered, why do you pretend to be healed? Perhaps, you secretly desire your midnight curse? Do you really want to be helped? Keep looking and you will find what you search for. That is all I can say.

All the Best

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