The ManicaPost

How to deal with body odour

Bacteria thrive on dead skin but Pumice stone is great for the heels of your feet.

Ann Ruthenburg Fashion & Health
HELLO everyone, we are now in the summer season, which comes with some really unpleasant effects on our bodies.Body odour is the main one, so we will discuss about it this week.

Body odour is most likely to occur in the feet, groin, armpits, genitals, pubic hair and other body parts.

Believe it or not, sweat itself has no odour to humans. It is the rapid multiplication of bacteria in the presence of sweat and their breaking down of that sweat into acids that eventually causes the unpleasant smell.

Unpleasant body odour usually starts from puberty. People who are obese, those who regularly eat spicy foods and those who sweat too much, are the most affected.

Also individuals with medical conditions such as diabetes are more susceptible to body odour.

This article will concentrate on armpits and feet odour.

To begin with, both men and women need to keep their armpits clean. Wash them regularly using anti-bacterial soap to reduce both the number of bacteria and body odour.

Masculine smell under the arms is not as mostly strong as with women, so arm pit hair is fine. But women need to remove their arm pit hair to prevent unpleasant smell from there.

Things to use to control under arm odour, include deodorants or antiperspirants. Deodorants make the skin more acidic, making it more difficult for bacteria to thrive.

An antiperspirant blocks the sweating action of the glands, resulting in less sweating.

Some studies, however, have indicated that antiperspirants may be linked to the risk of breast cancer or prostate cancer.

To be safe, use deodorants and antiperspirants with natural ingredients. Also using medicated soaps is a brilliant idea, they work as well as or better than antiperspirants.

Many people have sworn to the fact that vinegar or Dettol mixed with water then dabbed under the arms, makes a good odour prevention antiperspirant. I would say possibly yes because of the acid levels, but be careful; you can burn or darken your skin.

Now in the case of feet odour, smelly feet are less of a problem socially than underarm smells because the unpleasant odour is usually contained by shoes and socks.

However, the smell may become obvious if someone with smelly feet visits a home where shoes are taken off before entering or if the person sits in an enclosed area like a vehicle, where there is no circulating air.

So the most obvious thing is to wash your feet at least twice a day in summer.

Warm water is better at killing bacteria than cold water. Make sure you dry your feet thoroughly afterward, including in between your toes.

Socks must allow the sweat to evaporate. The best socks are those made of a combination of man-made fibres and wool.

Wear a clean pair of socks each day. If you wear trainers or shoes with plastic linings, make sure it is not for long.

A leather lining is better for sweat evaporation. If you have a problem with sweaty feet, do not wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row.

Shoes do not completely dry overnight. Remove your shoes and let them air dry by the door or window or where there is adequate movement of air.

Pumice stone is great for the heels of your feet. Bacteria thrive on dead skin. If the soles of your feet have patches of dead skin remove them with a pumice stone. These are available at any musika.

Ask your pharmacist for special foot deodorants and antiperspirants. If you have athlete’s foot, you should not use deodorants or antiperspirants. Treat the fungal infection with appropriate medication.

Whenever you can, walk around barefoot, or at least slip out of your shoes regularly, so that they stay dry.

That’s it for this week folks, until next week, God bless.


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