The ManicaPost

He puts his girlfriends as profile pictures

tete babra

Dear Tete
I am a middle-aged woman who has been married for many years. My husband has made my life a living hell. He does not respect me at all, putting his girlfriends on his WhatsApp profiles and telling me that I do not bath.

My husband told me that he is only with me because of the property he does not want shared in the event of a divorce. I do not enjoy any conjugal rights with this man and my prayers are not being answered. I feel like sleeping and not waking up because I am tired. The only thing keeping me alive is the thought of my children having to live without me.

Tete Responds:
My sister, life is a precious gift that we are given by God and rejecting that gift is refusing what God has chosen for us. Never, take your life away for anyone. No problem is too big to solve. Your husband is enjoying his life and unfortunately he is hurting you in the process. Some people do not care who they hurt as long as they are comfortable. Find your happiness and hold on to it. He has excluded you from his joy, let go of him. Concentrate on yourself and your children. Open your heart to happy days without the one that does not see any value in you. You are special, beautiful and you have the potential to excel. When you sleep, rest and when morning comes wake up, make up and show up.

Keep living.