The ManicaPost

He must be regretting dumping his girlfriend

FAR from the large and scary reptiles that are being kept like pets in some homes, Blabber was surprised to learn of this other well-known gold mining entrepreneur who has suddenly fallen on hard times.

We all knew him as a free money spending chap who was doing well in his gold mining business.

Some even knew him from the days he tried his hand in politics.

Pot-bellied and tall, soft spoken as ever, the boy must be regretting ever dumping his former girlfriend with whom he made a fortune and rose to fame across the city and beyond.

Word reaching Blabber is that he has fallen on hard times as he is now grappling to prove legal ownership of the very mining claim that gave him money over the years.

Blabber is reliably informed that the former owner of the mining claim is making moves in court to reclaim the gold rich mining area that all along our dear brother thought was his.

In fact, the boy has been moving from one office to the other trying to get help to ward off legal challenge from the mining claim’s former owner.

He has even tried the spiritual way and this is where he was told by a popular prophet based in a neighbouring country that the root cause of his present calamities has more to do with how he dumped his former girlfriend.

Blabber wonders whether our big brother will seek reunification with former girlfriend or continue fighting a lone battle to find his way back to his Benjamins’ lifestyle.

Whether he will find his way back to the luxurious way of life he was used to, only heavens know but the “Man of God” has declared that the boy will languish in abject poverty.


Of cheating wives and broke husbands

Yours Truly does not enjoy seeing women cheating on their spouses especially when that starts to happen at a time when hubby can no longer fend for family like he used to.

After all, Blabber has been fighting tooth and nail to preserve the little that remains of our moral fabric.

Only recently, Yours Truly was blabbering about the cheating wife of this other former senior employee of an all encompassing service provider in the city.

The ink had barely dried on that piece when a story of similar nature hit Blabber’s eardrums.

What touched Blabber the most is that the latest issue also has a former servant of the same organisation and the only difference is that while the first one was employed, the latest one was elected.

Blabber feels sorry for this latest victim of marital infidelity not because he has lost so much weight in recent months but considering that he was not even as promiscuous as the first one during the days he was still actively serving the all encompassing service provider.

For some reason, best known to wife, she is now cheating on him and it is now a public secret.

The only tragedy of being cheated on is that, dear reader, you will be the last to know!

Before Blabber signs off, make no mistake gentle reader, Yours Truly is in the final stages of gathering detail on an emerging Billionaires’ Club in our beloved city.

It is not only about the one caught with that reptile but there are many more including some whose prescriptions expect them not to wash their teeth.

Watch my space!!!