The ManicaPost

Fixing broken foundations

Barnabas Wamunyima

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3

The strength of any building is in its foundation. The stronger the foundation the stronger the building.

This week I want us to look at this forgotten or neglected truth. We enter into relationships, business deals without paying or considering the foundation of the decisions we are making. When things go wrong we begin to blame each.

What is a foundation?

Lets start with the WHAT of our topic this week. A foundation is the basis or groundwork of anything: the moral foundation of both society and religion.

The natural or prepared ground or base on which some structure rests.

As I pointed out earlier on; the stronger the foundation so goes the building, relationship or society.

Whatever you decide to do in life look at the fundamental principles that will bring about effective positive results. Remember life is about progress and you rather have progress in the right direction. Build something that will stand a test of time.

How then do we deal with this most important aspect of our lives?

  1. Have a plan

I have observed in many relationships much planning is done when people are proposing, are in courtship.

They plan together in the court-ship stage but fail to do so in the relation-ship of marriage.

Usually the planning at court-ship stage has nothing to do with the relation-ship of marriage but the events e.g payment of lobola, kitchen party, bachelor’s party, or the big one wedding etc.

‘If we had enough courtships in marriages, we would have less or no marriages in courts’

By court here am not referring to a place where you investigate each other but a place of discussing issues and coming up with solutions benefiting both parties. A journey without a map, is a journey without direction hence no destination

Hab 2:2 write down the vision and make it clear…

Prov 21:5 the plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty…

Before you lay down any foundation, there must be a plan drawn to the specifications of the expected build or relationship. Off course as people move on they can always make changes where necessary. Remember you have never been this way before

  1. The purpose

The plan must be clear to give us the reason for the building. This is very critical because all this will help us know the type and quality of material to be used.

  1. Vision

In order to come up with a compelling vision that will push one into running, critical questions of destiny must be asked; like why do we want to do this, why are we in this relationship.

Where are we going. Is this short or long term

Remember Habakkuk 2 tells us to write down the vision and make it clear so that whoever reads it may run

The above points; plan and purpose will help one to come up with a clear vision(foresight) of where they are going or want to go. One will have an idea of the finished product or destination and how it will look like.

A man without a vision is a man without a future and a man without a future will always go back to the past.

Many relationships fail because they have no vision hence no future and people end up going back to where they started. In the case of marriage they go back to singleness.

They say things like, I was better of single. That’s a relationship without a vision.

Ask yourself this critical question, does your life, relationship, marriage etc have a good strong foundation?

If not what will you do?

Ask any builder, if there are any cracks in the building they will consider the foundation. Go back to the building and look at the foundation of everything you are dealing with today. Things don’t just happen, to every effect there is a cause.

Suggested steps that you can take to correct the situation

  1. Repair the foundation — this might mean destroying certain parts of the building and build properly. In order to effectively repair it, you must have knowledge of what you want to repair and how. What wisdom, understanding and knowledge have you acquired to effectively deal with the situation.
  2. Seek professional or spiritual help- look for someone properly equipped in that area of need to help you. Remember you have never been this way before ask from those that have walked the journey before.
  3. Rewrite your vision and plan of the relationship. If you built or started without a vision or plan, its never too late to consider having one.
  4. Sometimes you may have to completely destroy the structure and put up a new one or even change location.

Here am not suggesting divorce for those that are married but much thought must be given as to how you deal with the situation.

Live a life of principles and values no matter what. This will effectively help you enjoy life and the benefits of your relationships. Am looking forward to hearing from you for any feedback or help.


Pastor Barnabas is a life transformational speaker and one of the most sought after events speaker,radio personality. He encourages and challenges people to discover and pursue their purpose.

He can be contacted on or WhatsApp 0772102741