The ManicaPost


tete babra

Dear Tete Barbara
I am a guy aged 29. My problem is very embarrassing so much that I do not keep relationships with any girl.  My friends call me a player but the truth is I cannot even get to second base. I cannot have an erection.

This problem began when I was still in college and I deeply suspect that someone tampered with my machine. I have visited traditional healers and even apostolic prophets to no avail. Now, I am giving up because it seems that this curse is not going away anytime soon. Help me.

Tete Barbara  Responds
You should not be embarrassed at all because you are not the only man under the sun experiencing this problem.

The more you think about it, the bigger it seems, so stop stressing over small issues. You should visit a health clinic for men near you or your general practitioner for a proper examination before jumping to conclusions.

It could be something as simple as stress or something maybe more complex behind your problem. For centuries dozens of men all over the world suffer from conditions that interfere with their sexual stamina and many are cured every single day, you just have to reach out for help from the right people. Do not be too quick to blame your problems on witchcraft when it could be a medical issue. Put your health first and seek a medical diagnosis today.