The ManicaPost

Does our blood type affect our behaviour

Ann Ruthenburg

HELLO there everyone, I hope you are all great. I am on top of the world this week. The first rains fell on the day of my birthday, so I had a double celebration whooo wooo!So this week, I will be answering a question I have been asked several times, which is: “Does our blood type affect what we eat, our behaviour etc.”

I did my research and I was amazed at the results, here it is… also remember this all relates in one way or another to beauty because you are what you eat. Beauty is from the inside out, so possibly this subject may be more important than we think.

First one needs to know their blood type before they can even figure how it is affecting them, so I suggest everyone reading this go to the nearest clinic and find out your blood type if you do not know.

It’s important regardless of this write up.

These are the basic blood types. A+, O+, B+, AB+, A-, O-, B-, AB-.

Now eating for your blood type, came in to play when some people claimed that no matter what diet they followed; they still could not lose the weight. So medical researchers found out that with many of them, it was because of their blood type. They gave names to each blood type and associated foods, here they are:-

Type A (“for agrarian”) – Flourishes on vegetarian diets, “the inheritance of their more settled and less warlike farmer ancestors. The type A diet contains soy proteins, grains, and organic vegetables and encourages gentle exercise.

Type B – The nomadic blood type B has a tolerant digestive system and can enjoy low-fat dairy, meat, and produce but, among other things, should avoid wheat, corn, and lentils.  If you’re type B, it’s recommended you exercise moderately.

Type O (“for old,” as in humanity’s oldest blood line) – Your digestive tract retains the memory of ancient times. So your metabolism will benefit from lean meats, poultry, and fish. You’re advised to restrict grains, breads, and legumes, and to enjoy vigorous exercise.

Type AB – Has a sensitive digestive tract and should avoid chicken, beef, and pork but enjoy seafood, tofu, dairy, and most produce. The fitness regimen for ABs is calming exercises.

Please note that I could not find enough research on these blood type food diets to claim that they work, therefore I cannot actually claim these are sure proof.

Now about the personality and the blood, seriously people I do not know how true this goes, but I am giving it to you anyway. I compared my blood type to both the diet and the personality and yes they are both true for me, but it might not be so for you.

In Japan, it’s widely believed that blood groups predict personality traits – from temperament to compatibility, to what kind of lover you are to what type of foods you should be eating. For instance:

Type A is calm and trustworthy; Type B is creative and excitable; Type AB is thoughtful and emotional; Type O is a confident leader.

Well there it is folks, blood types, the food that works for them and possibly the personality the carrier has, hope you found it as interesting as I did.

Thank you to the people that asked me to research it for them. Hope it was informative. Until next week, God bless!

Anastasia can be found at Kutz & Kurlies Hair Salon in Meikles Store or messaged on 0772 933 845. Or follow her Blog (, or email on