Ditched man demands lobola refund

06 Aug, 2021 - 01:08 0 Views
Ditched man demands lobola refund The boy was ordered to undergo a probation officer’s supervision for a year following his conviction

Tendai Gukutikwa
Weekender Correspondent

A MUTASA man who had been dumped by his wife went berserk and burnt his mother’s hut before going on to torch his in-law’s hut as he demanded to get a refund on his lobola.

Property worth $67 000, including a set of sofas, building material, 23 live chickens and chicken feed, was lost in the infernos.

Knowledge Manhanga (31) recently appeared before Mutare magistrate, Ms Rumbidzai Kabasa.

He was convicted on his own guilty plea to the two counts of contravening Section 143 (a) (i) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23.

Representing the State was Ms Ann Chibvongodze.

Manhanga was remanded in custody to a later date for sentencing to allow the State to check whether he had previous convictions as well as to ascertain his mental status.

Ms Chibvongodze said sometime in July, Manhanga had a misunderstanding with his wife (name not given).

She left him for her parents’ house.

Manhanga accused his mother, Gogo Rosemary Manhanga, of conniving with his wife to desert him.

The deserted man had numerous clashes with his mother over the issue, accusing her of siding with his wife.

On July 22, Manhanga visited his mother’s homestead in Domborutinhira Village while she was at work and set her hut on fire. He was shouting that she had wrecked his marriage.

Property worth $15 000 was lost in the fire.

During the same night, Manhanga proceeded to his in-law’s house in the same village.

He hurled insults at his father-in-law, Sekuru Charles Kombedzai and demanded a lobola refund. He threatened to raze down the Kombedzai homestead if his demands were not met. Manhanga later torched a hut at the Kombedzai homestead.

Property worth $52 400 was destroyed as the Kombedzais failed to salvage anything from the fire.

A police report was made the following day, thereby leading to Manhanga’s arrest.


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