The ManicaPost

Boyfriend threatening to beat my brother

tete babra

Barbara Vhengedza From My Heart
My boyfriend is a very aggressive character that even I myself fear him. He was not always violent. In fact, he was so kind and caring. A few months ago, my boyfriend joined some bad guys and then he changed. He no longer attends classes regularly and he now smokes pot. When I tried to dump him last month, he beat me up. My brother then beat him up and ever since, he says he wants to deal with my brother. I am scared for my family!

Tete Responds

How can you be with a person that you are clearly afraid of? Is this love? If this is your idea of love then my dear I would like to see your description of danger. Report him to the police. The police will help you sort out your issues. If need be you may have to seek out for a peace order. Be swift and smart!

All the Best