The ManicaPost


Thank you, I found the one I was looking for. 0782 434 005
I am searching for a woman of any age. 0779 980 158
Hie Dateline, I am a 21-year-old guy looking for a 20-year-old woman. 0778 321 511
Hie Dateline, I am a 33-year-old man and am looking for a beautiful lady aged between 24 and 30. 0778 514 217
Hie Dateline, I am a single guy aged 21 years looking for an HIV negative girl to date aged 20. 0782 977 935
Hie Dateline, I am a lady age 37, HIV positive and looking for a guy of the same status aged between 40 and 47. He should be employed. 0778 420 441
I am a 35-year-old single man and I am looking for a lady below 25. 0778 765 716
I am a 54-year-old man looking for a woman to marry. She must be below 30. I am single, a teacher by inspiration, post-master by profession and nurse aide by pastime. I am a landlord in Chikanga and HIV free. Those interested contact 0774 029 881
Hie Dateline, I am a lady aged 26 with one kid. I am looking for a man to settle down with and he should be aged between 30 and 35 years old. 0778 897 898
Hie Dateline, I am a man aged 45 and HIV negative. I am looking for a lady aged between 29 and 33. 0733 010 299
I am 38, a mother of one and am looking for a serious and mature man to love, cherish and protect me. Call 0719 360 537
Hie Dateline, I am a single young lady aged 20 who is looking for someone to love, must be above 18 years. I stay in Mutare. 0773 908 821
Hie, I am a lady aged 48 looking for a man aged between 50 and 60 years. I am based in Mutare. 0773 010 685
I am a 32-year-old man looking for a woman to settle down with. 0719 293 559
I am aged 30 and looking for a lady between 23 and 27 to marry. 0782 557 658
I am 20 years old and am looking for a man. 0734 134 706
I am 38 years old, single mother of two, looking for a serious man based in Mutare and employed. Call or txt 078 523 2925
Hie Dateline, I am a single mum of two, aged 27 and am looking for a serious guy between 30 and 50. 0785 717 282
I am a 55-year-old guy and I am looking for a 36 to 38-year-old lady who is HIV free. 0776 151 125
I am a man aged 30 single and desperately looking for a girl to marry. She must be between 19 and 26 and HIV negative. I stay in Chikanga 2, Mutare. Contact 0783 318 119 or 0774 207 615
Hie, I am a mother of one aged 25, HIV+ and looking for a serious man aged 26 to 50, ready to be a husband. 0772 418 600
Dateline, I am a 25-year-old Christian and am looking for a serious ZAOGA guy. 0718 355 258
Dateline, I am a 27-year-old lady looking for a nice and cool guy to share love with, he must be 35yrs old or above. 0785 899 535
Hie, I am a single humble lad aged 19 who is looking for a girl.0779 548 963
Hie Dateline, I am a 26-year-old man and looking for a serious lady to marry aged 20 to 24. 0773 062 032
Hie Dateline, I am a single guy aged 27 and am looking for someone to wed who has never been married before. She must be in Mutare. 0782 556 080
I am a 30-year-old young man seriously looking for a life partner, helper, she should be a good looking, God fearing Christian especially from the Pentecostal churches. 0777 324 812
Hie Dateline, I am an unemployed man and looking for a serious lady to marry. I am 36 and have one kid. I want a lady aged between 20 and 32, text me on 0775 951 749
I am 35 years, looking for a lady aged 25 or below without child. 0778 765 716
I am a man aged 33 with one kid looking for a beautiful lady aged 25-30. 0775 963 018
I am looking for a woman to marry who is a civil servant. I am aged 48 and unemployed. 0783 992 061
Hie Dateline, I am looking for a 20-year-old girl to date. 0772 828 165
I am a man aged 45 and looking for a lady between 29 and 30, she should be ready to be a wife seriously. 0733 010 299
I am in search of a 20 to 25-year-old woman. 0774 712 877
A male college graduate aged 45 with two kids is looking for a civil servant lady to marry with or without kids, aged between 35 and 40yrs. 0717 825 195
Hie, my name is Prince, I am a 28-year-old man looking for very beautiful girl to date. 0718 204 414
I am a guy aged 24 and am looking for a lady to love. 0777 749 228
Hie Dateline, I am a young lady, 19 years I’m looking for handsome dark in complexion guy who is aged between 24 and 26. He should be formally employed. 0774 205 560

Those looking for soul-mates, relationships and dates, text or WhatsApp on 0771 580 643. You can also email on . No phone calls please.